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Nowoczesny Serwis Randkowy


Wiek:52 lat
Znak zodiaku:Lew
Stan cywilny:kawaler
Lokalizacja:Poland, Małopolskie, Krakowski, Skawina
O mnie:I am content and independent; and I am not needy; yet I desire to be in a wholesome relationship with a special best friend. I believe in communication, commitment and equal partnership. she would be intelligent, giver, honest, encouraging, kind hearted, emotionally whole,sociable, enjoys getting out and about yet likes the quiet time we would share together; spiritual, good sense of humor, takes care of herself physically,mentally and emotionally, good communicator;
Kolor włosów:blond
Kolor oczu:niebieski
Stosunek do palenia:nie palę
Alkohol:piję okazyjnie
Dzieci:mam i wystarczy
Języki, w których mogę się porozumiewać: angielski, inne
Czego szukasz?: poważnego związku
Moja religia to: Chrześcijaństwo
I’m Looking for a woman who can be a pillar of strength and stability in my life. A woman who I can count on to do what he says and says what she means. Chemistry has to be present. She also needs to be very intuitive with a LOT of common sense. Along with the other qualities mentioned, I like an old fashioned romantic type with a good heart. Someone who appreciates the gift of life and at the same time enjoys the simpler things in life as well as the finer things..I am looking for someone honest who likes to have fun and try new experiences. I am not looking for someone to complete my life but add to it. I am not willing to play games or be involved with players. I don't have drama in my life and I enjoy the serenity in that..
I want a partner that enjoys life like I do. One that would love my friends and family. she must feel secure about herself and life. I want to be number one with her and she with me. the amount of love I would pour on her would be overwhelming, with welcoming. Without smothering her. I would want her to be able to be herself and not put on a front around people. Someone who is honest and very trustworthy. Likes to do things on the spur of the moment. One that would want to attend church with me sometimes or even once a month. I am a very positive person and stay away from negative thinking people. I will never give up looking for that next great lady that together we can be very happy. Any takers????..